Monday Dec 16, 2024

Understanding Blind Spots: How to Effectively Work with People Who Aren't Self-Aware, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD

Abstract: The article explores the challenges posed by individuals who lack self-awareness in organizational settings. Self-awareness, the ability to accurately perceive oneself and understand how one's behavior impacts others, is a valuable asset in the workplace. However, people who lack this self-awareness can struggle with behaviors that reduce productivity, damage team dynamics, and negatively impact organizational culture. The article provides specific recommendations for effectively working with self-unaware individuals, including setting clear expectations, providing objective feedback, focusing on shared goals rather than personalities, and leading with empathy and compassion. By employing these research-backed strategies, the article suggests that organizations can overcome the hurdles posed by self-unaware colleagues and foster cooperation and success despite varying levels of self-reflection within a team.

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