Monday Aug 26, 2024

The Hidden Impact of Microinteractions on Organizational Culture, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD

Abstract: This article examines the role of microinteractions - defined as brief, everyday exchanges between colleagues - in unconsciously influencing organizational culture, collaboration, trust, and job satisfaction. Through a review of literature and case studies, the article argues that positive microinteractions like inclusive language, active listening, offering help, and celebration can foster camaraderie and cohesion, while detrimental ones such as intimidation, disrespect, and lack of acknowledgement undermine workplace relationships over time. Specific negative microinteractions are identified, alongside organizational examples of addressing issues like exclusionary language and body language through leadership coaching. The article also discusses research linking positive microinteractions to employee engagement and well-being. Finally, strategies are proposed for infusing awareness of microinteractions into company culture, such as communication workshops, anonymous feedback tools, leadership role modeling, and shared values statements.

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