Thursday Aug 29, 2024

Managing Fatigue at Work: Strategies for Preserving Your Energy, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD

Abstract: This article examines the widespread myth that endless work is virtuous by exploring the causes and costs of workplace fatigue. It draws on research that links overwork, lack of recovery time, poor self-care, and unbalanced workloads to burnout. Specific drivers of fatigue discussed include workload issues, insufficient breaks and off-hours, lack of control, unclear priorities, and individual traits. Recommendations are provided for organizations to manage workloads sustainably, support recovery, and foster a culture of well-being. Implementation examples focus on healthcare, technology, and education sectors, such as limiting overtime alerts, rotating flexible schedules, and allocating passion project time. The conclusion argues that respecting human energy limits, enabling recharging periods, and caring for employee wellness leads to higher performance and engagement over the long run compared to outdated models glorifying overwork.

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