Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

Conquering Your Fear of Feedback: How Giving Constructive Criticism Can Strengthen Your Leadership, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD

Abstract: This article examines leaders' reluctance to provide constructive feedback and offers recommendations for overcoming feedback anxiety. The article explores why feedback is uncomfortable, even for seasoned managers. Three main barriers are identified: lack of confidence, fear of conflict, and uncertainty around effectiveness. Best practices are then presented for developing feedback skills through preparation, practice, and reframing criticism positively. Tactics for managing emotions include scheduling feedback, using praise, listening, focusing on solutions, and setting next steps. Establishing consistent feedback structures also boosts impact by promoting responsibility, accountability and continual improvement. Application examples illustrate tangible results, such as increased employee engagement, performance, and retention. Overall, the article argues that dedicating effort to conquering fears around feedback delivery strengthens leadership, cultivates top talent, and drives organizational success.

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